Monday, September 15, 2014

There Is No Money In The Cure

I am sure you have heard that before, "There is no money in the cure".  That is true when it comes to Diabetes Type 2. We always hearof the problems that Diabetes Type 2 causes but we never hear of the solution except taking medicine. The reason why is that it's a billion dollar industry!

Think about it for one minute the big pharmaceutical companies  make billions each year off of insulin and other diabetes medicines. These same companies go to your doctor and directly influence them on their treatment of diabetes type 2 patients. They work their way into your doctors office and lavish our trusted doctors with gifts, free dinners and lunches and tell them their medicine is the only way to treat diabetes. The best part is you have to keep taking the medicine. They make repeat customers for the doctors and themselves. So it's a win for the doctors and it's a win for the pharmaceutical companies but is it really a win for you?

After years of taking insulin and Starlix  and always having to check my sugar I have finally reversed and cured my diabetes type 2. The best part is it only took me 3 weeks! I will admit I continued to go to my doctor even after my sugar stabilized for over a year. But even she couldn't believe the change that occurred in me in fact I made her a believer in the natural remedy for diabetes. Click Here For More. 

I know it's our first instinct to trust what our doctor's say about our medicine's and treatment's but you can test other forms of treatment while following what your doctor's tell you what to do.

Chances are you have been following your doctor's orders for year and you are still having to take medicine, go to monthly check up's , and your probably out a few dollars at the end of the month (Being sarcastic I know how much it cost!).

That can all change don't let know one fool you. There is a natural cure for your disease. It's not so much a well hidden secret but there is no way to make ton's of money from it so it just ain't discussed. If your paycheck depended on patients or as I like to call them consumers coming to you every month for advice or medicine would you tell them they could be cured and not have to come back and see you anymore or take consumable products that they have to buy every month?

If your tired of taking medicines, being out lot's of money and you really what to prolong your life than I say check out this website below. This could be the day that your life and health is saved. I know it's hard to believe but these principles guarantee to reverse your diabetes and stabilize and normalize your blood sugar levels..

Click Here To See For Yourself

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